Expanded Visitation Guidelines | SCRMC
Posted on October 31, 2021
Effective Monday, November 1st at 6 a.m., SCRMC will implement new visitation guidelines for facilities excluding Nursing Homes which are governed by specific state regulations.
Visitation Guidelines at South Central Regional Medical Center Hospital and Emergency Department:
- You may have a maximum of 2 visitors at any one time.
- Clinics will allow 1 masked visitor with the patient during appointment.
- Children, accompanied by an adult, are allowed to visit unless restricted by a physician. No children under 12 years of age should be left unattended in a patient’s room.
- If you have a fever, cold or any infectious symptoms, please stay home.
- If an Isolation or Restricted Visitation sign is present on a patient’s door, please check with the nurses’ station before entering the area.
- All patients and visitors will continue to be required to wear a mask upon entry to our buildings – clinics, emergency department and hospital.

Expanded Visitation Guidelines | SCRMC
31 octubre 2021
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